Photo linen Blankets- Heart Shape
These beautiful linen photo throws are great for sublimation. These are approximately 40 inches x 60 inches long.
These great throws are the perfect gift for the coming cold winter nights on the couch or for the football games.
Personalize these with your favorite sports team of make a collage of special photos for loved ones. The 100% plush velvet throws are beautiful to the touch and feature 24 printable panels that can easily be personalized with sublimation. The outer edges of the throw are finished with two different colored side fringes (white and black) that gives it a true blanket feel. The back side is a true black soft velour that feels great.
Everyone will love these! Each block is made of 100% polyester and is easy for the smaller presses
Suggested press instructions: 385 degrees for 60 seconds I press one square as a test and adjust from there.
All presses are different so adjust accordingly.
Lint Roll before pressing !